




"Hooray! Hooray!", mom told me today that our family has finally entered the highway of information, and I cheered without knowing what is going on. What is this shitty thing called internet? Dad explained to me, "it is like a giant craphole that covered the the entire globe, connecting together every loser, every psychopath, and every zombie. On the internet, you may go crazy every time you want, and may conveniently spread your hatred to the rest of the world. You may use your own bilibili to connect with moe-moes from all around the world, and may also participate in net shitposting and net boasting. With the internet, our earth has become a little pile of garbage, where people from all countries may conduct special keyboard fight any time they want.
Is internet really that amazing? With curiosity, I ask with haste my mom to turn on the computer and enter the internet. Soon, our household information has appeared on the computer screen. I stared at the screen. Dad, mom, and myself......these shit-spitting weirdos are all looking at with with smiles, and they had photoshopped many interesting pictures with my own photo. "This is so amazing," I cannot hold my passion.
Mom also lead me to visit other websites. There are so many funs in there, including inmufags, esu slayers, black mules, and abstract toads......as many as I wanted. I felt like the circles have shrined, and the gate to royal conquest lies open to me.
Mom then taught me to join in QQ groups. I tried to send a few Gong poems I typed randomly with the computer, and a hundred if not ninety thousand people had joined the livestream to see me fapping, and the shitty group was immediately fucked the shit out of by Ma Huateng. Dad said with jealousy to me, "your generation is so lucky. Keyboards and cameras does not exist in our youth. If we want to Mortal Kombat someone, we can only do that by trains. Now it is really convenient. Within seconds, you may ban people's account, and may also DDoS. How fast has technology developed!". Mom also said, "soudayo, the chat records are permanently preserved. If you spit too many bullshits, the thought police may warn and come to you!"
I was reluctant to leave the internet. When I look at mom and dad, my mind was still thinking about the amazing cyber-world. Dad told me, "if you surf the internet hard enough, we may call to send you to Doctor Yang for shock treatment!" Mom said, "fuck you cyber world!!! How many fucking people's life have you fucking ruined!!!" As I heard these, I became more afraid of this esu friend of internet, but I hope to enter that amazing world again.